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2023 Membership meeting agenda

The time for our conference and thus for the yearly IIHA member’s meeting is closing in!

It will take place on October, 18th at 17.30.


The agenda has been sent to all members:


Item 1: Opening of the meeting, recognition of the quorum.

Item 2: Approval of the agenda

Item 3: Reports on the conduct of business and the budget of 2022, budget proposal for 2023

Item 4: Reports of the auditor

Item 5: Election of the board and the auditor

Item 6: Reports on publications, website, and SoMe of the association

Item 7: Conference planning for 2024 and 2025

Item 8: Miscellaneous business

Item 9: Closing of the membership meeting.


If you have not received any notification, please check with the IIHA Executive Director if we have your current email address. Please also check your spam-filter.

Please remember that only active members have voting rights, so maybe also check if your membership fee has been paid.