Intelligence in the 20th Century
Conference of the International Intelligence History Study Group
10-12 May 1996
Conference Program
Friday, 10 May 1996
14.00 Opening Remarks
World War II
Cornelia WILHELM (München): Volksdeutsche als Instrument deutscher Geheimdienste: Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, 1933-1945 [Germans as Tools of German Intelligence Services: The United States, 1933-1945]
Horst BOOG (Stegen): Der Faktor Amerika aus der Sicht der Luftwaffe, 1939-1945 [The Factor U.S. from the Perspective of the Luftwaffe]
Jan G. HEITMANN (Lübeck): Dr. Hans-Albrecht Herzner. Lebensbild eines Abwehroffiziers [Herzner: A Counter Intelligence Officer]
Burckhard JÄHNICKE (Hamburg): Dr. Paul Leverkuhn: Jurist, Politiker, Geheimdienstler in zwei Weltkriegen [Leverkuhn: Lawyer, Politician, and Intelligence Officer during Two World Wars]
Michael FOEDROWITZ (Hannover): Auge und Ohr im besetzten Europa: Der illegale polnische Nachrichtendienst im Zweiten Weltkrieg [Eyes and Ears in Occupied Europe: The Illegal Polish Intelligence Service during World War II]
20.00 Keynote Paper
Jürgen ROHWER (Stuttgart): Der deutsche Marine-Funkaufklärungsdienst und die Schlacht im Atlantik [The German Navy Signals Intelligence Service and the Battle in the Alantic]
Saturday, 11 May 1996
9.00 Keynote Paper
David KAHN (Great Neck, NY): A New Theory of Intelligence
10.45 World War II
Lew BESYMENSKI (Moscow): Nachrichtendienste und politische Entscheidung: Drei Beispiele aus der sowjetischen Geschichte [Intelligence Services and Politial Decision: Three Examples from Soviet History]
Juri ZORIA (Moskau): Die Tätigkeit der deutschen Gruppe der Roten Kapelle [Aktivities of the German Group of the Rote Kapelle]
Ralph ERSKINE (Belfast): Typex and the Admiralty
Phyllis Soybel BUTLER (Chicago): Sincerity and Deception: The British Decision to Exchange Intelligence with the United States during theSecond World War
Meredith HINDLEY (Washington, D.C.): A Humanitarian Partnership in Sweden: OSS/Stockholm, the War Refugee Board, and the State Department, 1944-45
Gerhard KREBS (Berlin): Die Funkentschlüsselung in Pazifik im Zweiten Weltkrieg [Signals Intelligence Decoding in the Pacific during World War II]
Heinz ULBRICHT (Braunschweig): Die Schlüsselmachine ENIGMA – trügerische Sicherheit [The Code Machine ENIGMA – Treacherous Sense of Security]
19.30 Keynote Paper
Gerhard L. WEINBERG (Chapel Hill, NC): Unresolved Issues of World War II: The Records Still Closed – And the Open Records Not Used
21.00 Business Meeting
Sunday, 12 May 1996
Matthias MOLT (Stuttgart): Von der Organisation Gehlen zum BND und die Beteiligung der USA am Aufbau des neuen deutschen Auslandsnachrichtens- dienstes [From the Organisation Gehlen to the BND and the U.S. Involvment in the Establishment of a New German Intelligence Service]
Wesley K. WARK (Toronto): Understanding Canadian Intelligence: Contemporary Documents and Dilemmas for the Historian
Frank CAIN (University of New South Wales, Canberra): Intelligence Operations and COCOM
Shlomo SHPIRO (Birmingham): Intelligence Relations Between Germany and Israel and their Role within Germany s Middle-East Policy
Manfred HERRMANN (Luxembourg): Denying German Scientists and Technicians to Other Powers than the United Kingdom and the United States: Deutsche Wissenschaftler als Waffe im Kalten Krieg [German Scientists as Weapon in the Cold War]
12.30 Departure