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Annual Conference 2011, 17-19 June, Marburg

German Intelligence History from Bismarck to the Present

17-19 June 2011
Marburg, Germany

The conference was organised jointly with the Bundeswehr Office of Military History, Potsdam, Germany (MGFA).


Please find pictures of the proceedings and speakers on our Flickr account.


Conference Schedule

Friday, June 17, 2011
Fürstensaal Landgrafenschloss Marburg/Marburg Castle
15:15 Bus leaves from Welcome Hotel (Marburg, Pilgrimstein 29), for the Schloss
15:30-16:00 Participants arrive at the Marburg Schloss

16:00 Conference Opening Session (Fürstensaal/Schloss)
IIHA Chair: Welcome
Winfried HEINEMANN (MGFA) /Wolfgang KRIEGER (Universität Marburg): Conference Schedule and Ground Rules

16:30 Panel I
Hilmar-Detlef BRÜCKNER: The Agents of Karlsruhe Station of German Army Secret Intelligence III B at the Eve of World War I
Markus PÖHLMANN (MGFA): Die Entwicklung und institutionelle Kultur des militärischen Nachrichtendienstes im Deutschen Kaiserreich bis 1918
Wim KLINKERT (Breda): German Intelligence in the Netherlands 1914-1918: The Dutch Perspective
Jerca VODUCEK STARIČ (University of Maribor): Third Reich intelligence in Yugoslavia at the onset of WWII (aims, officers, activities) [has to leave Marburg Saturday morning]

19:45 Hot Buffet Dinner served (Schloss)

20:30 Dinner Speech: Shlomo SHPIRO (Bar Ilan University): Imperial German Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism in the Near East in the late 19th Century

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Alte Universität / Aula; Lahntor 3
9:00 Panel II
Tilman LÜDKE (Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut): Futile Intelligence. The (Elusive) Role of Intelligence during Germany’s Involvement in the Middle East 1914-1918 and Beyond
Florian ALTENHÖNER (Berlin): The “Deutsche Überseedienst GmbH”, “Sonderdienst Nuntia” and German Military Intelligence in the 1920s
Marcus FAULKNER (King’s College London): The Politics of Naval Intelligence: The Evolution of the
Marinenachrichtendienst 1928-1939
Kristie MACRAKIS (Georgia Tech, Atlanta): The Seesaw Secret Ink Wars: The Anglo-German battles during the two World Wars and how they reflect intelligence success

Panel III
Erwin SCHMIDL (HGM Wien): Operation Etappenhase: Inserting German Agents into North Africa, 1943-45

13:15 Lunch Break in Town (not provided by conference)

14:45 Panel III (cont.)
Winfried HEINEMANN (MGFA): Die nachrichtendienstliche Dimension des nationalkonservativen Widerstands
Magnus PAHL (MGFA): Fremde Heere Ost
Falko BELL (Universität Mainz): “Die deutsche Spionage ist auf Zack.” German Soldiers speak about Intelligence Services (1939-1945)

Panel IV
Sigurd HESS (Rheinbach): The Influence of the Gehlen Organization on West German Rearmament
Bodo HECHELHAMMER (BND): Der Beginn der Operation Rusty. Aspekte organisatorischer und personeller Entwicklungslinien

19:00-20:00 Light Buffet Snacks served

20:00-21:30 Membership Meeting (all are welcome but only IIHA members can vote)

Sunday, June 19, 2011
Alte Universität / Aula, Lahntor 3
9:00 Panel V
Peter HAMMERSCHMIDT (Universität Mainz): The Butcher of Lyon on BND and CIC/CIA Payroll
Michael HERMAN (Oxford): What difference did intelligence make to the Cold War?
Matitiahu MAYZEL (Cummings Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Tel Aviv University): The Israeliimage of German intelligence
Tamir LIBEL (Dan Shomron Center): Hostage of foreign interests: German intelligence involvement in Arab-Israeli hostage deals, 1980s-2010

12:30-13:30 Summing-up and Farewell

13:30 Conference ends

14:30 Network for Junior Researchers in Intelligence History