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Annual Conference 2003, July 11-13, Wittenberg

Intelligence and Political Enemies –
Intelligence and Terrorism in the 20th Century

11-13 July 2003
LEUCOREA – Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany

Conference Organizer:
Prof. Dr. H.-J. RUPIEPER (Department of History, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)


Conference Program

Friday, 11 July 2003
13.00-14.00 Arrival

14.00 Welcome
Prof. Dr. H.-J. RUPIEPER (University of Halle-Wittenberg)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang KRIEGER (University of Marburg)

14.30 Panel I – Chair: Prof. Dr. H.-J. RUPIEPER
State Security of the GDR and its Relationship with the Universities, the Peace Movement and the Terrorists from Western Europe and the Near East
Dr. Michael PLOETZ (Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Berlin): Die Rolle der Stasi im nikaraguanischen Bürgerkrieg der 80er Jahre
Benjamin FISCHER (History Staff CIA): East German Intelligence’s Exploitation of the Western Peace Movement and the European ‘Terror Scene’ During the Early 1980s

15.30 Coffee Break

16.00 Panel I continued
Steffen REICHERT (Universität Halle-Wittenberg): Die nach innen gerichtete Tätigkeit der Stasi an der M-L-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Dr. Udo BARON: Rolle des MfS in der Friedensbewegung
Beatrice JANSEN-DE GRAAF (University of Utrecht): Whose fifth column? Stasi and the Dutch Peace Movement in the Eighties

18.30 Dinner

20.00 Keynote Address:
Robert David STEELE (OSS.Net, Washington, D.C.): 21st Century Intelligence: A History from the Future
Introduction: Dr. Sigurd HESS (IIHA)

Saturday, 12 July 2003
9.00 Panel II – Chair: Prof. Dr. Shlomo SHPIRO (Bar-Ilan University): Intelligence Services and Political Change
Dr. Jill Sherry BELLAMY-DEKKER (University of Antwerp): EU Intelligence Integration
Paul MADDRELL (University of Wales): Spying in Germany before and after Building the Berlin Wall
Professor Dr Ioannis LOUCAS (Hellenic Naval Academy): International Geopolitics, Intelligence and the ’17 November’ Affair

10.30 Coffee Break

11.00 Panel II continued – Chair: Prof. Dr. Shomo SHPIRO
Dr. Hans-Joachim HOPPE (Direktor, Universität Köln): The New NATO Members – Are they Reliable? A Comparative Review on Intelligence Structures and Political Changes
Yuri TOTROV (Russia): The US intelligence Operations in China in 1945-49: A Failed Attempt to Block a Course of the History
Dr. Gerd KRÜGER (Institut für Diaspora- und Genozidforschung, Ruhr-Universität Bochum): Aktive antibolschewistische Gegenspionage – Nachrichtendienste im politischen Leben der Weimarer Republik

12.30-13.30 Lunch Break

13.30 Panel III – Chair: Prof. Dr. KRIEGER: Suppression of Domestic Opposition and Ethnic Minorities
Ibrahim AL-MARASHI (US Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA): The Iraqi Intelligence Agencies and Kuwaiti Resistance During the Occupation of Kuwait
Dr. Maté SZABO (ELTE Politologia Tanszek, Hungary): Kadar und das System der Überwachung auf der Basis der ungarischen Gauck-Behörde
Dr. Matitiahu MAYZEL (Dept. of History, Tel-Aviv University): The Beria Crisis – Conspiracy and Succession Struggle

15.00 Coffee Break

15.30 Panel III continued – Chair: Prof. Dr. KRIEGER
Matthias UHL (IfZ – Außenstelle Berlin): Die stalinistischen Säuberungen in NKWD und GRU
Bekir CINAR (University of Hull): The Turkish Case or Fighting Terrorists and Foreign Agents: Internal Intelligence Organizations in the Western Democracies

16.30 Panel IV – Chair: Prof. Dr. Michael WALA (University of Munich): Fighting Terrorists and Foreign Agents: Internal Security Organizations in the Western Democracies
Christoph FRANCESCHINI (Bozen): Südtirol-Terror der 60er Jahre und Verwicklung der Geheimdienste
David ROBARGE (USA): Moles, Defectors, and Deceptions: John Angleton and CIA Counterintelligence
Prof. Bob de GRAAFF (Department of History of Intern. Relations, University of Utrecht): The Fight Against the New Fanaticism

18.00 Dinner

20.00 Informal Meeting (IIHA Membership Meeting)

Sunday, 13 July 2003
9.00 Panel IV continued – Chair: Prof. Dr. Michael WALA
Dr. Charles G. COGAN (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University): Offensive Hunt Strategy
Wolbert SMIDT (Berlin): Entwicklung der Aufklärung und Abwehr des internationalen Terrorismus durch deutsche Nachrichtendienste
David CRAWFORD (Wall Street Journal, Berlin): Terrorist Investigation in Germany: The Hamburg Cell and the ‘Rasterfahndung’

10.45 Coffee Break

11.15 Round Tabel Discussion: Intelligence and Political Enemies, Intelligence and Terrorism in the 20th Century
Prof. Dr. H. – J. RUPIEPER (University Halle-Wittenberg)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang KRIEGER (University of Marburg)
Prof. Dr. Shlomo SHPIRO (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Dr. Sigurd HESS (Rear Admiral, German Navy ret.)
Prof. Dr. Michael WALA (University of Munich)

12.30 Lunch and End of Conference

14.00 Historical Tour of Wittenberg

approx. 17.00 Program ends