German-Dutch Relations in the 20th Century.
An International Intelligence Perspective
Conference organized by the Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA) and the International Intelligence History Association (IIHA)
17-19 June 2005
Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences Amsterdam
Conference Organizer: Dr. Beatrice de GRAAF (Utrecht University)
Conference Program
Friday, 17 June 2005
13.00-13.45 Welcome
Paul KOEDIJK M.A. (Chairman NISA)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang KRIEGER (Chairman IIHA)
Conference opening
Major General Royal Netherlands Army Bert DEDDEN (Director of Netherlands Military Intelligence and Security Service)
13.45-14.45 Setting the Stage
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang KRIEGER
15.15-15.45 Matthew M. AID (US): The US Intelligence Perception of the Dutch and German Intelligence and Security Services
15.45-16.15 Dr. Matti MAYZEL (Isr): Post WWII Israeli Perception of the Dutch and German Intelligence Services
16.15-16.45 Jorn BRO (Den): Danish Services, Terrorism and Cooperation with Germany and The Netherlands
17.30-18.30 Reception and Drinks at the Town Hall
19.00-21.00 Dinner at restaurant L’Opera
Saturday, 18 June 2005
From War to War 1918-1945
9.00-9.30 Dr. Karl de LEEUW (Neth): The Mystery of the Enigma
9.30-10.00 Dr. Kurt JENSEN (Can): Canadian Intelligence Assessment of Germany and the Netherlands in 1945
10.00-10.30 Dr. Dick ENGELEN (Neth): Dutch Intelligence Operations and Intelligence Gathering on Germany
11.00-11.45 Chantal AUBIN (UK): French Operations and Intelligence Gathering from Dutch Territory against Germany
11.45-12.15 Dr. Bob de GRAAF (Neth): British Intelligence Gathering in the Netherlands against Germany (the Venlo Incident)
The Cold War
13.30-14.00 Frans KLUITERS (Neth): Abwehr Stay Behind in the Netherlands
14.00-14.30 Frits HOEKSTRA (Neth): Joint Operations and Intelligence Gathering against Stasi and other Warsaw Pact Services
14.30-15.00 Dr. Beatrice de GRAAF (Neth): DDR Operations against West Germany and Holland
15.45-16.15 Prof. Dr. Richard ALDRICH (UK): British Intelligence Operations in Germany
16.15-16.45 Dr. Giles SCOTT-SMITH (UK): Interdoc and its German Years: a Case of Dutch-German Intelligence Cooperation
17.30-18.30 Reception amd drinks at the KNAW
19.00-21.00 Indonisean Rice Table Dinner at the Sea Palace with Keynote speaker
Sunday, 19 June 2005
The Aftermath
9.00-9.30 Dr. Shlomo SHPIRO (Isr): Cold War Radar Intelligence: Israeli Intelligence Sharing with NATO
9.30-10.00 Dr. Peter MORRÉ (Ger): The Bundesverfassungsgericht and Joint Operations against RAF and the IRA
10.00-10.30 Major General Netherlands Marine Corps (ret) Joop van REIJN:
Experiences of Joint German-Dutch Peacekeeping Operations and Intelligence Gathering in Afghanistan
11.15-11.45 Dr. Wolbert SMIDT (Ger): A European Intelligence Structure, the Future Role of Germany and the Netherlands
11.45-12.15 Dame Pauline NEVILLE-JONES (UK, to be confirmed): Intelligence and the Future
12.30-13.00 Closing remarks, end of conference