Intelligence Clash: East vs. West During the Cold War
20-22 April 2007
Hotel Thüringen – Weimar/Germany
Conference Organizers: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang KRIEGEr (Marburg) / Prof. Dr. Dr. Heiner TIMMERMANN (Akademie Rosenhof/Weimar)
Conference Program
Friday, 20 April 2007
14.00-16.00 Registration of Participants / Hotel Thüringen
16.00 Welcome and Introduction
Wolfgang KRIEGER
John SCHINDLER (US Naval War College): Black Actions: Yugoslav Intelligence and Terrorism, 1945-1990
László RITTER (Hungarian Academy of Sciences): The Secret War between the Soviet bloc and Tito’s Yugoslavia, 1948-1954
18.30 Dinner
19.30-21.30 Michael HERMAN (Nuffield College/Oxford): Instruments of Peace? Did Intelligence Matter in the Cold War?
Saturday, 21 April 2007
Horst BOOG (MGFA, ret.): American and British Reconnaissance Flights over the Soviet Union and China, 1950-1956
Sigurd HESS (Bundesmarine, ret.): Intelligence Clash in the Baltic during the Cold War
David ROBARGE (CIA Chief Historian): Technological Innovation to Avoid Intelligence Clashes: the A-12 Supersonic Reconnaissance Aircraft
12.30 Lunch
Gérald ARBOIT (U Strasbourg): In his defector he trusted: How the CIA Counterintelligence Staff broke the Western intelligence community for ten years, 1962-1973
Ben De JONG (Amsterdam University): The KGB View of the West As Found in the Writings of Its Officers after 1991
Jung Suk BAE (INSS): Intelligence Clash Unabated: North Korea vs. South Korea
18.30 Dinner
20.00 IIHA/AGN Membership Meeting
Sunday, 22 April 2007
Shlomo SHPIRO (Bar-Ilan University / Tel-Aviv): Bears and Stars of David: Soviet Espionage in Israel
Matitiahu MAYZEL (University of Tel-Aviv): Two cases of Soviet intelligence intervention in Middle East military conflicts, 1967 and 1973
Round Table and Concluding Remarks
Opening statements by Lt. Gen. (ret.) André RANSON (former Director of Military Intelligence, France) and Dr. Gerhard SCHMID (former Vice President of the European Parliament)
12.30 Lunch and End of Conference